3 Things You Need, To Lose Weight Fast And Healthy – Assert Fitness | Northumberland Fitness | Nutrition coaching | Group Training | Personal Training

3 Things You Need, To Lose Weight Fast And Healthy

3 weight loss secrets

Why you need to get rid of extra pounds and keep them off?

Dean Coulson
Founder Assert Fitness & Performance

Over the last 6 years, we have had the opportunity to help thousands of people to transform their body, to increase confidence and feel great in their your own skin.

Through our performance centre we have helped people lose 10+ lb of fat in 4 weeks or less with our 4 week body transformation challenge “Get Your Body Back”  to help people lose 10lb+ of fat in 4 weeks or less.

These are the customers who have tried everything in the past, but to no avail. But when they tried our program they finally managed to get the body they deserve.

By coaching so many people, we obtained unique insights on what you really need to burn fat, tone your body and improve your health – and more importantly – to feel full of confidence.

I found that there are three pillars that are essential for success in the weight loss process.

Schedule a one to one appointment with one of our transformation experts from Assert Fitness and let’s discover together whether our transformation program will suit you. Click here to apply – we can not wait to meet you


# 1: A Healthy Eating Plan That You Like

We do not believe in diets. You should Never feel hungry just to lose weight. Starvation leads to serious health problems in the long term.chilli-lime chicken salad

Also, we do not believe in calorie counting, there is no drinking “slimming shakes” that taste horrible with our programs. These diets only lead to a yo-yo type effect meaning you could lose weight short term but it is not healthy for you. In addition, once you stop dieting, you put all the weight back on.

The problem with all these approaches is that they are not convenient nor pleasant. We believe that the fastest path to transformation is to make the process fun, convenient and pleasant.

Our program is simple, we help you build good habits and create a new lifestyle to look good and feel great.


# 2: An Exercise Plan Proven To Work – With Tangible Results


Most people do one of two big mistakes about exercise.assert fitness

By striving too hard, they do more than they are capable of leading to injury. Or no they don’t train hard enough at all, so they do not stimulate their metabolism enough to have the desired effect. 

You have to find the right balance. Assert Fitness follows a type of training that is appropriate for your fitness level and allows you to make progress step by step, every week, so you see changes. The training should not put too much stress on your body or give you very sore muscles at every session otherwise you will lose motivation to continue!

Also remember that you have to dedicate time and effort to find the correct training program. That means that the program must have proven results and must be supported by scientific studies prove that it is a better approach. Perhaps in the past you tried to work hard on fitness, but the fitness program you followed was wrong for you!

I do not want that to happen for you. In our Transformation Program, we show you step by step our Assert Fitness Transformation System – workouts that we use are proven in studies to burn 9 times more fat than a regular fitness workout.

In addition, our workouts are fun, motivational and give you a great sense of reward.

# 3: Support & Accountability Right People

The main factor in creating positive change in your life is to surround yourself the right people. In fact, studies show that social support increases your chances of successful weight loss by IMG_3219224%! That means it is 2 times more likely to lose weight and reach your goals when you have the right people around you. Without motivation and accountability from a similar team of people it is very easy to give up.

Even if you can afford to pay for expensive 1-1 personal trainer sessions, you’ll have fun and you will see much more better results when working in a group.

Therefore Assert Fitness workouts are specifically designed to allow you to be part of a group, while continuing to benefit from working with our transformation experts at the same time.

So here again is a list of things that you need to lose weight & success in the transformation:

  • A healthy eating plan, realistic and enjoyable
  • A fun workout program that is proven to have results
  • An expert in transformation to guide you in the program step-by-step so that it fits your fitness level
  • A group of positive people like to keep you motivated and empowered every day

Finally, remember that you do not just change the short term. The objective is to change your life and create a long-term transformation, both inside and outside.

If these tips you have found it useful and want to know more about how to make a real transformation, then …

Here’s something you will love …

The next 4 week Body Transformation Challenge starts soon at Assert Fitness & Performance Centre.

This is the only program of fitness, nutrition and personal development in Northumberland that guarantees RESULTS! 

You can get all the details by clicking here , but first let’s give you an overview. Here’s what you get in this program:

• 3 short workouts each week with our transformation experts… so you burn fat, you fall in love with toning and exercise first with the guidance of specialists

• Our simple plan and healthy nutrition … so you learn what foods to eat for optimum results and to follow a plan that suits your lifestyle
(without counting calories!)

• Unlimited and unconditional support and accountability at every step … so you stay motivated & see real change in the long term

And much, much more.

This is a program for 4 weeks, and we are now accepting applicants who are ready to start with us.

Here’s how you can get your place on our Programme!

First, register here for a one-to-one consultation with one of our specialists.

You can find all the details on this page.

This is an informal call with one of our transformation specialists, where we will provide all the details about our 4 week Body Transformation Challenge, what to expect and how we can help you and we will answer your personal questions.

If you feel that the program is for you, you can subscribe to the 4 week Challenge at the end of the information session.

What are you expected to do?Angie Newby

70% of people who start an exercise plan give up in the first few weeks.
We want you to achieve the results you so desperately desire and have so far alluded you.

So just we only accept people who promise to follow the entire program – to come to training, to follow healthy nutrition plan and give their best possible effort.

When complete 4 week program, you will be amazed at your transformation.

We help you so you can help us

To be honest – we do not want to spend a lot of money on expensive banners through the area and radio commercials – like most traditional clubs.vicky dimitrova

We strongly believe that the best form of marketing is to promote your results.

We plan to use your success story and pictures before & after, to inspire more people to join the Assert Fitness movement.

So another condition to attend the program is to agree to use your before / after pictures for a testimonial.

You can see some of the inspirational success stories that our members we have already shared on the registration page.


So if you want to lose weight 10+lb, lose a clothes size & to have more confidence in yourself than ever before then schedule a free consultation at one-to-one with one of our specialists.

If you are serious to make a change, our next Transformation Program starts soon, so you have to be registered to get on board!

sharlene hicksdeborah errington


Thanks for reading and  we look forward to seeing you at  our  “4-week Body Transformation CHALLENGE!”

Dean Coulson

Founder Assert Fitness & Performance Centre

PS – Be sure to apply those 3 steps in this article to start to lose stubborn fat!

And if you’re ready to make a real transformation with our help, then learn how to start our 4 week program by clicking here.

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    Dean Coulson