A lot of people want to get healthier but have NO CLUE where to start when it comes to fat loss. At a time where we are bombarded with different diets, cleanses and pills its no wonder you are confused. So I’m going to to give you 5 simple steps to get you off the […]
Continue readingSo we are now past January. How are your new years resolutions holding out? Now that the buzz has died down, thought I would share with you some ways to lose 10 lb this year and more importantly, keep it off. Over the next 2 blog posts I am going to give you 10 top […]
Continue readingHave you let your healthy habits slip over a holiday!? Ever felt that holiday hangover? You know when you overindulge in food and drink that you know doesn’t really inspire good health, but you do it anyway. Whether it be a 2 week jaunt abroad or a bank holiday weekend when you eat things you […]
Continue reading“Won’t I be starving without carbs?” This is a common question I get and the answer is no. It comes down to listening to your body. Most carbs are devoid of nutrients and can contribute to more sugar cravings as your energy surges and crashes. Proteins and fats however are rich in nutrients and contribute […]
Continue readingFor PARENTS that want to spend less on toys and possessions and to be able to give their TIME and ENERGY to their loved ones…. I was speaking to a lady not so long ago, desperate to get back her health & happiness… It went like this… Her main worry… was not having the energy […]
Continue readingThere are times when I have driven to the gym and I have just sat in my car trying to find that motivation to workout. Have you ever felt like this? Maybe you have driven to the gym and gone no further, Maybe you have got home and sat down and stayed there for the […]
Continue readingWhy you need to get rid of extra pounds and keep them off? Dean Coulson Founder Assert Fitness & Performance Over the last 6 years, we have had the opportunity to help thousands of people to transform their body, to increase confidence and feel great in their your own skin. Through our performance centre we have […]
Continue readingDoes it have to be all or nothing? We all slip over time from what we know makes us look and feel our best. We may know what to do, but we aren’t doing it. You may have realised this, like most people do at the start of a new year or 4 weeks before […]
Continue readingThe New Year means a lot more people will be out looking for workouts to get in shape for 2016 and that means that gyms, boot camps and personal trainers will be fighting for their attention. For the last 10 years the American College of Sports and Medicine have been conducting surveys of over 1000 […]
Continue readingIt seems that their is a belief going around that if you are on a diet or if you are on a nutrition program designed for health then you lose the enjoyment of eating out and lets face it, that is something that is important to everyone. Our posts on this site are designed to […]
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