How To Get Your Energy Back

For PARENTS that want to spend less on toys and possessions and to be able to give their TIME and ENERGY to their loved ones….
I was speaking to a lady not so long ago, desperate to get back her health & happiness…
It went like this…
Her main worry… was not having the energy to keep up with the kids, and feeling moody with herself and unhappy with her body which was affecting her home life.
She was snappy, irritable and something needed to change,
..she was refusing to buy clothes that fit her, because she didn’t want to buy the next size up that she now needed.
So she bought the baggy clothes that no one wants to go buy from a shop.
She was ready to get started.
Keen as mustard… In fact days before she was going to pay for herbal life (another pointless quick fix) she was so desperate to get out of the pain she was in.
She was grateful to learn how much of a mistake that would have been for long term health and to find out what else could be done to help her.
She was ready to join up and invest in a coach that would help guide her back to health & happiness and get her back to feeling like herself again….
I was ready to take her on as a client, right before she said this…
“Ahh, but can I pay at the end of next week, I need to buy the kids a trampoline tomorrow.” …
and that is where so many people fall down. they put themselves LAST.
would it not be better to invest in herself and have the energy to play with her kids herself instead of buying things to occupy them because she didn’t have the energy to?
I am a parent and I get that family life is important, but only after you put yourself first.
If you have ever been on an aeroplane you will know that important safety feature you are told EVERY TIME you board.
“In case of an emergency, fit your own oxygen mask first” <<<<< THIS IS IMPORTANT IN YOUR LIFE TOO!
how can you help anyone else before you help yourself?
If you have no energy and are maybe running at 50% guess how much you can give out to your kids and partner?
thats right 50%
but what if you took responsibility for you, knowing that if you look after yourself 100% first you can then give out the same.
I know your health and happiness is no longer a first priority, but taking time out and creating space for yourself will give you the energy and that feeling of happiness to then look after everyone else.
I know kids don’t really want all the toys, they want connection, they want to play with their parents and feel loved, not shoved in a corner with an ipad!
the fun I have had with my son using just a cardboard box, and that is usually the box the toy came in LOL!
Parents I get it and I know life takes over, but you can’t fill anyone else’s cup, if your cup is empty.
I want to help you can that energy back.
Want your health & happiness back?
You need to start looking after yourself.
No pill, no powder, no potion can do this.
Your FOOD your FITNESS your FOCUS are the pillars to that FUTURE.
Where you are currently at is an accumulation to the choices you’ve made and are making and the stories you are telling yourself.
If you feel stuck…
A coach helps you get back on track when you are lost and clueless.
A coach will steer you in the right direction when you are mapless.
I’m here for you always.
Start here by filling out this application to work with me
Business owners and professionals this goes for you too.
– Dean