How To Super Charge Your Willpower – Assert Fitness | Northumberland Fitness | Nutrition coaching | Group Training | Personal Training

How To Super Charge Your Willpower

How To Super Charge Your Willpower

Does it have to be all or nothing?

We all slip over time from what we know makes us look and feel our best.

We may know what to do, but we aren’t doing it. You may have realised this, like most people do at the start of a new year or 4 weeks before a holiday and so decide to do something about it.

You may be determined that THIS year is the year you make the change and transform your life.

Maybe you committed to eliminating sugar or a “dry January” or are following something more structured like Whole 30, or maybe you simply started to get back to the habits you know make you feel your best.

At Assert Fitness & Performance we aren’t fans of going on and off strict diets, getting into a black & white situation where it is all or nothing. You see we are not robots, we are individuals. Every one of your lives is unique and that should be a consideration of any establishment trying to help reach your goals. Doing strict diets may give a short term change or quick fix, but it doesn’t get behind the reasons why you want to change and how to keep the weight off long term.

That is why we focus on long term transformations. We want to help and support you to become the best version of you with the tools to not only maintain it, but with the realisation that you can be so much more than you thought you could.

However but we do realise that everyone slips over time and having a total reset to reconnect to what makes us feel our best is an effective strategy.

Throughout the year, we offer different challenges and habit-forming strategies whether you have participated in Drop Two Sizes or our 100-workout challenge. These are opportunities to hard wire the habits that will get you the best results including consistency.

If you have been thinking about committing to something to reset your healthy habits, start by making a list of the habits that you know work for you that you may or may not have been doing. For example:

  • Drinking 2-3 litres of water a day
  • Not eating sugar.
  • Eliminating alcohol or keeping your alcohol intake to 1-2 servings, 1-2 nights a week or month.
  • Getting to bed before 10:30pm.
  • Getting 7-8 hours of sleep.
  • Not being on your computer, phone or in front of the TV right before bedtime.
  • Eating 7-10 servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
  • Doing something active every day.
  • Getting outside more and breathing fresh air
  • Not drinking caffeine past noon.
  • Hitting the gym at least 2-3 days a week
  • Cooking most of your meals at home. The more you cook, the better you look!
  • Going to the Farmers Market to get fresh meats, fruits and vegetables every week.
  • Starting every day with a healthy breakfast.
  • Getting your workout done early so you don’t blow it off. See you at 6am? Anyone?

We know how hard it can be to retrain your habits or learn them for the first time.

You need support. That’s why we’re here!

Writing them down is the first step, and your list may look different than the above. We may also help you learn new habits that you never even thought about.

We are here to help you to set these habits and hold you accountable. To get past the blocks you may have encountered before. In fact, this is why we are offer our 28 day Body Transformation Challenge to give you a complete reset. The challenge requires you to commit 100% to the program for 28 days. This is different than some of our challenges in the past where we have allowed splurges every week and more flexibility. This program is not a challenge; it is a total reset program. You will be fully immersed in resetting your habits or building them for the first time.

Committing to a total immersion program like this is a great way to re-set your habits getting your mind right & your metabolism kick started for the rest of the year!

We still have a few spots left if you are ready to join us. Don’t miss this opportunity! Click the button below now to get your consultation call set up this week to join us.

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    Dean Coulson