We are proud of each and every member that is a part of our community. Everyone has their goals, their reasons why, but more importantly everyone has their story to tell. Fitness journeys come in many different shapes and sizes, they each have their hits and misses, but the common factor with all these stories at Assert Fitness are that they have results. Whether your goal be as simple as doing a full pushup, to completely transforming your body, we want to hear your story. Below are some of those stories that a few of our members have chosen to share with us.

I woke up one morning and decided that I was now ready to tackle my problems, I was massively overweight, and over 10 stone heavier than my body had ever been. I was ill. My Thyroid had been completely removed due to cancer, I had fibromyalgia and a lot of mental issues due to things that happened in my early years. Food was (and still is) a comfort, A shield, a blanket to surround myself with. Although this feeling would be great at the time, half an hour later I was back to hating myself, my body and my weaknesses. My friend had been going to Assert Fitness for about a year and with my permission he gave Dean, who owned Assert Fitness, my phone number so that we could have a chat. We spoke for quite a while about what I wanted from the programme. About what I was willing to give to the programme and what had been holding me back. During the call I agreed to do the 21 day trial, the whole time thinking I probably wouldn’t get past the first session. My other fears were; what would I look like? What would the others think? I mean, I was as round as I was tall.
Turns out that should never have bothered me, because I could not have found a more supportive, “Daft as a brush” bunch of people than the group I joined, with Dean always going the extra mile to make me feel that I had made the right decision. My first session was in March 2013. It snowed throughout the night and I genuinely thought (hoped) it would be cancelled. I soon realised though, that nothing cancels a session, that point being made as I lay in a foot of snow trying got do push ups thinking “what the hell are you doing?”
But you know what? I left that first session cold but warm, tired but energised and most of all… completely hooked!
From that day I changed my life. I ate better than I had, I no longer did portion control or calorie counting (not that I really did before, that’s what caused my problems, although this time it was different). I’m vegetarian but I can say without doubt the nutrition program that Dean created works for everyone. He always takes time to see your struggles and meets you where you are, your starting point. I did my exercise religiously, turned up to every fitness camp session. I sweated, I moaned, I laughed and I enjoyed every damn minute of it.
It was fun to watch the realisation on people’s faces when they eventually seen who I had become. My own sister stood behind me at a check out and didn’t even recognise me from behind.
I’ve lost 10 stone in weight. 12” from my bust, 16” from my waist, 14” from my hips, 9” from each thigh, 2 1/2 “ from each arm, 3” from each calf, with a grand total of 71” in total from my body, which is 10” more than my height!
If you still think it isn’t for you because you are too unfit, too fat, incapable of being anything other than you are then I am here to tell you that you are wrong. You should never, ever give up on yourself and never worry about what others think. I was never treated any differently to anyone else. I only ever found encouragement and hope.
And now after many years of searching, I eventually found me.
Thank you, Dean Coulson and all my friends at Assert Fitness who kept me on my toes. I needed you all, even before I realised myself.
I joined Assert Fitness the day before my 36th birthday after frantically searching something in the local area that would not only support me to lose weight but to get my motivation back on track to exercise. I found Assert Fitness and decided to give it a go initially for only three weeks.
It is fair to say that my weight loss journey over my adult life has been a constant yo yo effect – with gaining weight, then either joining a slimming group or trying out the newest diet (cabbage soup, Atkins, Dukan ) you name it, I’ve tried it – they would always result in some weight loss but inevitably they were never sustainable and the weight would pile back on again.
In May 2011, I hit my biggest size and was squeezing into size 22/24 trousers, this is where I started on a health regime which I promised myself would be a lifestyle change..... I no longer wanted to go into a clothes shop and buy what fitted me, I wanted to go into a shop and buy what I liked (there is a big difference!!!). I did this myself, no gimmicks but clean eating and introducing exercise into my lifestyle. I thought I had it sorted, I had lost six stone and managed to keep it off for quite a while, however by the beginning of 2014 I had lost my motivation to exercise and old habits were creeping back in. I didn’t realise that I had put as much weight on until I seen a photo of myself and decided to stand on those scales, ouch a two stone gain. This is where my Assert Fitness story started; I had done the easy bit finding them and paying for my initial three weeks up front, but now came the hard bit to actually attend the first session. There were many thoughts that went through my mind on that first evening, from should I even get out of the car, what if I embarrass myself and can’t keep up with anybody , what if , what if, what if – all excuses !!!
I should not have worried, Dean met me when I first arrived and we had a discussion on what I wanted to achieve from his programme, he got me to think about my goals, why I was attending and to concentrate on myself (not to compare to anyone else). That first session was hard and I didn’t think I would be able to complete it, although strangely when I got home I was buzzing and told my husband how excellent it had been. What I like about Assert Fitness is that you work at your 100%, Dean is happy as long as he knows you are giving your all – everybody is at different levels but very friendly and encouraging.
I had only been with Assert for a matter of weeks when I completed the Newcastle Stampede with them, this was great day with real team spirit flowing, and a good opportunity to meet all the other members from different groups and guess what they were all a friendly bunch. I realised from this day that this was a group I wanted to stay part of for a long time.
Alongside the exercise, Dean also has a nutrition plan which he encourages all members to follow; this looks at your general health and not just your weight loss journey. This has been brilliant in terms of getting me to think differently about food and hopefully fingers crossed this will now be my lifestyle going forward in the future.
We also have our private Facebook group, where members can ask questions, offer motivation and generally be there for one another.
Since joining I have lost 2 ½ stone and 35 inches from my body – I feel like a different person and the slimmest I have been in my adult life. I also feel much fitter and stronger and looking forward to what 2015 will bring.
I have now introduced my mum to the group and she seems to love it as much as me, it certainly is making a real difference to our lives. I would recommend Assert Fitness to anybody who wants to make a real change to their life’s.

I was one of those people that said ‘I used to be fit once’ as I lay night after night on the sofa eating my unhealthy dinner watching TV and vowing ‘I will start running again next week and work off the beers I have at the weekend.’ I had got myself into a rut and knew I wanted to lose weight and try and get fit again but didn’t know how. I knew I needed to get someone to not only push me and motivate me but also to give advice on the best way to do it. Even after the first month the results have been amazing. I lost nearly a stone in weight and 3.5” inches from my waistline. I am not going to lie and say it was easy because it does take alot of self determination to change what you eat and work hard at the sessions but it is done in a fantastic atmosphere where you are constantly encouraged and supported but never bullied. I can personally recommend it to anyone who is stuck in the same rut I used to be in.
I love Assert Fitness. I feel on top of the world. Thank you Dean Coulson for your amazing support and for always being there when I have needed your support and guidance. What you offer is amazing. The friends I've made, the results I have achieved (Over 5 stone lost), but more than that, you showed me how to believe in myself again.I honestly know 2014 can throw whatever it likes at me but I will not be a defeatist any more, life will not get me down, not any more. BIG BIG LOVE to you all — feeling amazing.

4 years ago, after being told I was wheat intolerant for a year, I found out I had an infected gall bladder and had emergency surgery to remove it. I was extremely ill and as a result of this I gained a lot of weight, suffering from severe depression. 18 months ago I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, an autoimmune disease and inflammatory arthritis. Again, depression and weight gain followed, my mood slumped and I had pretty much given up. I couldn't get the weight off and gave up struggling to try.
A friend recommended giving the 4 week trial a go with Assert Fitness. I decided the time had come to stop moaning and feeling sorry for myself and signed up. The first week was hard but I stuck to it and it did get easier. After the four weeks I joined as a member. You are encouraged to go at your own pace so there is no pressure and I love going to each session, it sets me up for the day.
The group is lovely as all the other members are in similar situations. It has made me feel like I have finally taken control of my life and illness instead of them controlling me and I have loads more energy. The food isn't boring and the exercise is fun. As long as you are committed and give your 100%!
My health and fitness have improved by miles and although I still have some joint pain, losing weight, eating healthy and being active have made me feel so much better.
I would definitely recommend Assert Fitness if your looking for an exercise and eating program that really does work. Dean is an excellent coach and the support and ideas shared by Dean and the other members is fantastic, I couldn't have done it without them. I feel the best I have in years and can finally look at myself and be happy.
This is so much more than exercise and a food guide. this is a lifestyle transformation. The Coaching you receive not only gets you fitter, leaner and stronger, but you get a better understanding of health and it has a massive positive change on your life.
Dean doesn't know how effective his coaching is. His words of wisdom get into your head and you find yourself thinking about something he said when out shopping or having a meal. Its your journey and only you can choose to make it a success. Every step is one step closer, no matter how small or difficult it is.

Hi, I am Leanne and I am an Assert Fitness Addict! I suffered from post natal depression and made excuses for my baby weight for 3 years. I had no confidence and was stuck in a rut. Now I feel the best I have felt in years. My confidence has been given a huge boost, I am eating healthily and looking after myself and the best 'side effect' is the weight loss.
The group training is great and the other members really encourage you. Assert Fitness isn't just about losing weight, it's about changing your whole lifestyle and living life to the full. I have signed up to my first mud run and I am so excited. Dean is a great coach. He gives you exactly what you need to hear to move forwards and achieve what you never thought possible.
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